Biblioteca Miguel Henríquez Castañeda

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New american streamline : connections / Bernard Hartley , Peter Viney.

By: Hartley, Bernard.
Contributor(s): Viney, Peter.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Washington : Oxford University Press, 1995Content type: Media type: sin mediacion Carrier type: volumenISBN: 0194348431.Subject(s): InglesDDC classification: 428.077
Personal information.--Where were you.--Vacation.--Return from space.--Did you get everything.--In the office.--Talking about the past.--What have you done.--City and country.--Europa tours.--Elmer Calls Home.--Something nothings anything everything.--Grammar summaries.--Comparatives and superlatives facts
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428.077 H16n (Browse shelf) ej.1 Available 007081
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428.077 H16n (Browse shelf) ej.2 Available 007082
Libros Libros
428.077 H16n (Browse shelf) ej.3 Available 007083
Libros Libros
428.077 H16n (Browse shelf) ej.4 Available 014510

Incluye indice.

Personal information.--Where were you.--Vacation.--Return from space.--Did you get everything.--In the office.--Talking about the past.--What have you done.--City and country.--Europa tours.--Elmer Calls Home.--Something nothings anything everything.--Grammar summaries.--Comparatives and superlatives facts

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